Private sector upbeat over Trade Fair

The Chief Executive Officer of the Private Sector Federation, Hannington Namara, has announced that they consider the coming International Trade fair as a strong tool that local traders should use to obtain knowledge to improve their products as well access regional and international markets.

Monday, July 23, 2012
People throng last year's Expo. The New Times / File.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Private Sector Federation, Hannington Namara, has announced that they consider the coming International Trade fair as a strong tool that local traders should use to obtain knowledge to improve their products as well access regional and international markets.The 15th Trade Fair, which officially opens on Wednesday, this week, will end on August 8. It is expected to attract exhibitors from different continents of Europe, Asia and Africa according to PSF officials.Namara said the trade fair will also be an opportunity for the country to further strengthen the regional integration development and boost economic growth.According to Namara, the event will provide a unique opportunity for the business community to meet, interact and gain exposure to their potential customers and distributors, and also create a network and exchange of ideas as it will attract visitors from different parts of the world."The trade fair will provide a platform for our traders to compare products, services and standards of their goods with others and create partnerships with regional and international exhibitors to access market to their countries,” he saidOn the issue of preparedness, Namara said preparations are in final touches as more international companies continue registering to showcase their products."We are ready because 98% of work has been done, all facilities have been constructed, security is available… we are just waiting for the official opening.”About 500 exhibitors from the public and private sectors from difference countries are expected to attend and so far 338 have registered, 212 from the local market. The number is expected to rise as the opening day nears.Some of the products to be exhibited are industrial goods, electrical goods and appliances, trade and services, engineering products, agricultural products, machinery, foods and beverages.Others are chemical and cosmetics, farm implements, timber and furniture, textiles and garments, gift articles and crafts, ICT, Cultural and tourism articles and others.Apart from the EAC countries, other African countries that will participate are Egypt, Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana and Congo Brazzaville.From Europe, Australian and Turkish companies will attend. From Asia, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Iran and Dubai will grace the expo.Others are Singapore and Taiwan.