“B Club”

As I was telling you, this chap (Firths), was greatly impressed by all aspects of our life.   Following the visit to FoEyes where we consumed roast goat ribs, kacumbali and some roast bananas; the guy loved the goat meat as well as the bananas.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

As I was telling you, this chap (Firths), was greatly impressed by all aspects of our life.   Following the visit to FoEyes where we consumed roast goat ribs, kacumbali and some roast bananas; the guy loved the goat meat as well as the bananas. To wash them down, he settled for the Mitzig, we really had a bash as if there was no tomorrow.  Do not get me wrong, we were not "gukuraring” the Mzungu, we were merely welcoming him to our country.  As a matter of fact, we cost shared the costs.  Firthscould not allow us to pay for his bills, every time a facture was brought, he looked up what he had consumed and noted the amount. Diaspoman was quick to reassure us that, these guys never allow others pick their bills and that is how it is out there!   As I said, we were ready to party as if there would be no more partying, who knows, your tomorrow might just be the today!  Don’t they say that, "tomorrow never comes”? As a matter of fact, "icyo utararya, ntago ari icyawe” (what you haven’t eaten, is not yours)! The creator might call you anytime. Imagine being told that you have an hour left to live and then you are given say  US$100,000; most likely, you would be tempted to set it ablaze, why leave it for others (not its owners)!  It is in this respect that, we normally decide to go and have some fun, who knows when and how we shall depart!   You know, this Diaspoman is a real genius in as far as joints are concerned, he knows virtually every joint in this city and beyond; he suggested that we go to "B Club” or something like that.  We had to literary dissect the city of Kigali, from Noblesa to FoEyesand then crisscross Nyarutarama to Kagugu; the Club is located on the "Ndengeye” Building just next to the Kagugu KOBIL Petrol station; to be precise, where the road from Kinamba meets with the Nyarutarama highway, on the way to the Caisse Sociale Housing estate of Kagugu. If you don’tknow the owner of the place then you are not from this land!  Ndengeye was the controversial man that brought the first HUMMER (I mean vehicle) and Limousine to Rwanda.  He is the happy owner of this building.  My friends chose this citing the fact that, Cadillac, and its counterparts were for school children.  Real people came to B Club!    Entrance fee was a cool Rwandese francs 5K, not quite affordable for the average beings of this land, wow, it is like many a house help’s full month’s salary! I suppose, such people cannot afford this place unless they develop a habit of scanning through their bosses pockets and handbags! At the entrance, they rigorously search you, no tricks becausethe likes of "Alishabab” could infiltrate the place and cause sorrows! On getting in, one is welcomed by the rich and homely appearance of the place.  The counter is so decorated with all tribes of beers, spirits, sodas, water, etc.  It is my habit to first see the setup of the bar before I decide as to whether that place is worth the paper and ink on which its name is written or not!  I think B Club qualifies!  (to be continued)