Commission evaluates districts’ achievements

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — The Eastern Province has set up a commission to assess whether the achievements, the Mayors presented before Prime Minister Bernard Makuza, after the first quarter, last week were genuine.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


NYAGATARE — The Eastern Province has set up a commission to assess whether the achievements, the Mayors presented before Prime Minister Bernard Makuza, after the first quarter, last week were genuine.

On Tuesday the commission started work in Nyagatare district. Charles Gasana, the Head of Commission and Executive Secretary of the Province, said from Nyagatare they will move on to other districts. They are expected in Gatsibo on Thursday, before going to Kayonza, Rwamagana, Ngoma, Kirehe and Bugesera.

"Our aim was to carry out analysis and find out whether what were presented by our district mayors are genuine. That is why we have come to the scene and find the truth of what were presented," Gasana said.

He said their assessment had found that most achievements presented by Nyagatare mayor were found genuine. He noted that the houses for genocide survivors and other vulnerable residents were completed as it was required but most of them have not been occupied.

Gasana said the commission appreciated the work of the district including the construction of roads, health centres in all sectors and schools.

Other areas where the district registered achievements include; rehabilitation of trading centres in the sectors, green revolution, modern methods of farming and good storage system in the district among other things.

Gasana implored district leaders to identify priority areas that need immediate attention. He said that district leaders should work hand in hand with local communities to irrigate crops during the dry season.

He also urged the district leaders to ensure that genocide survivors and other needy residents occupy their finished houses.

He said performance contracts are important in evaluating the leaders’ annual service delivery.

The performance goals presented by the leaders underlined poverty eradication, good governance, social justice, improving education, economic development, war against HIV/Aids, resettling residents in community settlements, and family planning campaigns among other things.
