Not that easily

The Bachelor EVERY guy gets his chance, however fate or the odds might be against him. For that one time, he will get what he wants without working for it, something like a gift from nature. Me, the only thing I have every really wanted is a girlfriend, that is it. And I hope nature is going to give me more than one chance because I think I have already spoilt the first one.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The BachelorEVERY guy gets his chance, however fate or the odds might be against him. For that one time, he will get what he wants without working for it, something like a gift from nature. Me, the only thing I have every really wanted is a girlfriend, that is it. And I hope nature is going to give me more than one chance because I think I have already spoilt the first one. Imagine, even when all I had to do was sit back, be a little smart and get myself a drop dead gorgeous girl, I still failed. Am beginning to sound like a general failure, yeah? Well, am actually quite accomplished in my other endeavors, but, this is about the girls, not my other pursuits. This is my one thing that puzzles me. Well, let me tell you how it happened.We were at this birthday party. It was for kids really, the birthday girl was just ten years old. I had brought my little cousin to attend the party, and I was outside the house, wondering what to do the whole afternoon as the kids played. There didn’t seem to be any age mates of mine, the rest being mothers, and aunties. I got a place far away from the kids, and I got out my phone to listen to music. At least, that would pass the time. About ten minutes later, this little kid comes shouting, and crying. He was followed by a bunch of bigger kids, a clear case of bullying. Without thinking, I rushed over, and got this kid from the bullies. And at that moment, she came running. Jeanine came to see what was going on. As it happened the victim of the bullying was her little brother. She came in just as I got the little boy from the bullies. The bullies ran off, I remained with Jeanine and her little brother. My part was done there, but the little boy didn’t want to let go of me. He was really terrified. So, I sat down with him to calm him down, and I don’t know what it must have looked to Jeanine, because she sat down next to me and we started talking. Rather, she started talking to me. I had again gone speechless, my typical thing where I go speechless. Anyway, Jeanine talked, and she didn’t seem to mind the fact that I wasn’t talking back to her. She just went on talking, telling me about alot of things, half of which I don’t even remember. After about twenty minutes, I realized the little boy had fallen asleep, so, we continued sitting there not to disturb him. After about thirty minutes, I got the courage to talk back to her, and I found it wasn’t even that hard. One hour later, we were still talking, and it was getting dark. We had to leave. We exchanged numbers, and I went home feeling like I had won a championship. I had talked to a girl for a long time; I had even got her number. That night, she called me, saying that her little brother wanted to talk to me. All he wanted to say was good night, so he handed the phone back to the sister, and somehow we continued talking. That night, I slept well. We continued talking because the brother must have liked me, and soon, I guess that rubbed off onto Jeanine, because when I asked her on a date, she didn’t refuse. At this point, you wonder: what could possibly go wrong? It looked like a done deal. And it seemed so until the moment I brought the topic up. I told her that I wanted to date her, that she was the prettiest thing that I had ever seen. That wasn’t very well put, I now realize. I could have been a little more tactful, and studied that girl first. But, I was so desperate to get her that I didn’t think ahead. Her reaction was slow, but very clear. She was very disappointed. I tried to figure out what was wrong, and she told me. She had nothing wrong with dating me or any other guy for that matter, but why were guys always so impatient? She was disappointed that I had turned out to be just like any other guy itching to get his hands on her.  But you can hardly blame me. I had this one chance and I took it. A more experienced guy wouldn’t have brought this up on the first date, but I am not an experienced guy, like you have already figured out. And I had no idea how to make it better. I tried, but ended up coming off as desperate. Within a week, a blossoming romance was nothing more than a painful memory.