ID boycotters arrested in Bugesera

EASTERN PROVINCE BUGESERA—Police in Bugesera are holding 14 members of different religious sects for allegedly boycotting the recently concluded registration exercises for national identity cards.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


BUGESERA—Police in Bugesera are holding 14 members of different religious sects for allegedly boycotting the recently concluded registration exercises for national identity cards.

Police at Ruhuha police station, where the group is being held, said they acted on a tip-off from local leaders that the group had boycotted the exercise. 

Looking composed but reluctant to speak to the press, the group admitted the boycott, citing faith as grounds of reason behind the action. 

Affiliates include members of the Adventist church, Catholics, and non-denominational Christians.

"We are not against government programmes but we felt counting of people was totally against our inner belief” said Hakizimana, 70, who is being held with his son.

Most of the group echoed the same remarks, saying that population census was against their faith.

Police said they are yet to finalize the dossier and hand the group over for prosecution.

The legal precedents of a boycott are still being investigated.
