Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber highest paid young celebrities

Singer Taylor Swift edged out teen heart-throb Justin Bieber as the highest-earning celebrity under 30, taking in $57 million, as women dominated the top spots on a list released by Forbes.com on Thursday.

Thursday, July 19, 2012
Justin Bieber.

Singer Taylor Swift edged out teen heart-throb Justin Bieber as the highest-earning celebrity under 30, taking in $57 million, as women dominated the top spots on a list released by Forbes.com on Thursday.Bieber, who brought in an estimated $55 million, was the only male among the top five earners, who included Rihanna at No. 3 with $53 million, followed by Lady Gaga and Katy Perry."We are seeing a convergence of these talented women who know how to work the system,” said Dorothy Pomerantz, the Los Angeles bureau chief for Forbes."The things they have in common, obviously they write great hits, are strong personalities. That really helps them from a publicity point of view. They connect with their fans,” she added.Kristen Stewart, who was the highest paid actress last year with an estimated $34.5 million in earnings, captured the No. 7 spot and was the only actress in the top 10.