Has MONUSCO made any positive impact?

Editor, Most UN missions have ended up disappointing many, including the communities they were deployed to protect. The same applies to MONUSCO which, despite using $1.3 billion dollars a year, have had no positive impact on the lives of the population in eastern DRC.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Editor, Most UN missions have ended up disappointing many, including the communities they were deployed to protect. The same applies to MONUSCO which, despite using $1.3 billion dollars a year, have had no positive impact on the lives of the population in eastern DRC.

On the contrary, I think MONUSCO has become a recipe for more trouble in the region. They are more into money, thus failing to execute their mandate. I also don’t think a multinational military offensive against the M23 rebels is the right decision. It looks like it’s killing a fly with a hammer. Unless the cause of M23 is genuinely dealt with, a similar group might emerge in the future. Otherwise it’s like treating symptoms instead of tackling the real disease.Tabaro M.Kigali