Real action needed to resolve DRC crisisReal action needed to resolve DRC crisis

Editor, On Monday, I read about the signing of an agreement by Presidents Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Joseph Kabila of the DRC, along nine other regional Heads of State, for the creation of a neutral international force to fight and disarm negative forces in DRC as well as police the border between the two countries.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Editor,On Monday, I read about the signing of an agreement by Presidents Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Joseph Kabila of the DRC, along nine other regional Heads of State, for the creation of a neutral international force to fight and disarm negative forces in DRC as well as police the border between the two countries.While the move is vital and important, I doubt whether the proposed force will address the major cause of the fighting in DRC.  Also, I don’t think the Congolese in the Kivu provinces will be happy at this arrangement – which I think falls short of resolving the real problem in the Congo.I do not see how the problem between the Congolese government and M23 mutineers can be resolved by the signature of deals by Kinshasa and other governments, instead of the mutineers themselves. Well, Rwanda or any other country, for that matter, can help but the primary responsibility lies in the hands of Congolese government.In the meantime, MONUSCO will continue to demand money to compile useless reports. DRC government has a lot to do to address this issue.Mwene Kalinda