Religion is vital in relationships

So, big news Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise’s five-year-marriage is over. But the only thing that still lingers in my head is how Tom Cruise jumped up and down like a child at that memorable Oprah Winfrey Show, when he was asked about Katie Holmes. Five years down the road, the woman of his life files for divorce behind his back. Reason? Scientology.

Thursday, July 19, 2012
Alinda Lillian Munanura

So, big news Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise’s five-year-marriage is over. But the only thing that still lingers in my head is how Tom Cruise jumped up and down like a child at that memorable Oprah Winfrey Show, when he was asked about Katie Holmes. Five years down the road, the woman of his life files for divorce behind his back. Reason? Scientology.Divorces are not something new to the ‘Rock of Ages’ star for he has been married and divorced three times before. We can only link most of these divorces to his controversial religion called, Scientology. Okay, and a bit of infidelity here and there.Tom Cruise has always been so open about his religion and the whole world knows that the man believes in science. So I assume the women that get involved with him also know what they are going in for. Why they decide to walk off later, I have no idea. Because surely it is not as if the man first tells them I am a Born Again Christian and then later shows his true colours of Scientology.But what do you know? I guess they just realised later that actually they could not handle all the stuff that comes with Scientologists.They say love is blind, but at this point, I am sure it is stupid too. If you let love lead the way all the time and forget to consider some of the things that will bring that love to an end, then how lame do people ever get.In society, we have always known that women take up their husband’s religion. Not such a good idea but if you decide to pick up a religion that is not your own, a little research in what the other person does will not harm you especially if you intend to tie the knot.When it comes to children and what they should believe in, that might seem like a problem but again, it is the 21st century. Eventually they will choose which path they want to take.Is that not one of the reasons why people date? To learn about other people and what they believe in. It is rather important to understand what is expected of you if you intend to pick up the other persons religion, learn as much as you can and if you realise that you cannot handle the heat, then keep your own religion and perhaps come up with an understanding. If that fails, then walk away!On a more religious note, people need to stop this business of getting married to divorce. That is not what God wants. There is no point exchanging vows so that you can later break them.