African court the way forward

Editor, Allow me to add my voice to that of Kigali-based lawyers who have welcomed the move to establish an African court to try African cases.  I strongly believe that the continent needed such a court to deal with African cases, instead of transferring them to the International Criminal Court in Hague.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Editor,Allow me to add my voice to that of Kigali-based lawyers who have welcomed the move to establish an African court to try African cases.  I strongly believe that the continent needed such a court to deal with African cases, instead of transferring them to the International Criminal Court in Hague.In my view, such a court is actually long overdue. Consensus needs to be reached by African governments as fast as possible and get the court established. Otherwise the west will continue to use ICC to go after African leaders they want to get rid of.CharlesKigali