If you are waiting for prince charming, you might wait forever!

Soap opera and movies have really spoilt the way women perceive love. Young women today want to date or base their relationships on what they see in the movies. They forget that even those people acting the movie or soap operas have failed to maintain the kind of relationships they portray in the scenes of a movie.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Soap opera and movies have really spoilt the way women perceive love. Young women today want to date or base their relationships on what they see in the movies. They forget that even those people acting the movie or soap operas have failed to maintain the kind of relationships they portray in the scenes of a movie. We fantasise that our men will treat us like what we see in the movies but, hey, let’s wake up. Each person can write their own unique love story. Therefore young women should stop waiting for the Prince Charming that is portrayed in the soap operas or movies and try to relate with the real world. My 35-year –old cousin was lamenting last week how every man she turned away was now married and happily enjoying life. She would turn them away because she didn’t want to settle for less and that the men didn’t have at least seven things on her check list and that they didn’t suit her picture of Prince Charming. One of the things young women should get rid of are checklists and instead try to live in the moment. How would they feel if the men also started dating them based on a piece of paper with ten points? No one is perfect. Therefore it is hard to get a person who has the five most adorable things you want in a man. Start with at least the most two amazing things about them then the rest will fall in place. Give the person who is willing to love you a chance and then you will get to learn that they are even more amazing than you thought. Falling in love is a gradual process which needs someone to give it time and understanding. I have seen many people who end up getting married to people who they least expected to settle with. Michelle McKinney Hammond, bestselling author of How to Avoid the 10 Mistakes Single Women Make, talks about ways women put life on hold until a man completes the picture.  She further shows that through scriptural principles and insightful questions, a single woman can examine their outlook and ultimately move toward healthier attitudes and behavior about men, romance, finances, God and much more.Hello young women try to put your guard down before you start regretting why you didn’t let in people in your life.