Are you with your true soulmate?

According to Wikipedia, a soulmate is believed by some to be the person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity, similarity, love, intimacy and compatibility. Easier put, the person you feel deeply connected to on every level from the day you met, a connection so strong that it is unfamiliar to you.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
A soulmate is a true life long companion. Net photo.

According to Wikipedia, a soulmate is believed by some to be the person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity, similarity, love, intimacy and compatibility. Easier put, the person you feel deeply connected to on every level from the day you met, a connection so strong that it is unfamiliar to you.Between me and you, I’ve been in relationships where infatuation made me think I was with my soulmate. The second I snapped out of the infatuation I wondered how I’d gotten into the relationship to begin with! Sometimes we find ourselves smitten and assume that that is the real deal. That couldn’t be further from it.So how do you know if you are really with your soulmate? Some people claim they knew it the day the first gazed into another’s eyes. Others say it comes with time. I say, either way, it all comes down to one thing – if you are absolutely certain about the person you are with then that’s all you need. It is in your best interests to be absolutely certain about your man before your father walks you down the aisle. Once that ring is in place, you can’t just back out. Well, Kim Kardashian did after 72 days but you are not Kim! Here, marriage isn’t something you get into then file for divorce months later. While you are still dating, you have the opportunity to think this through. Apparently, most soulmates are opposites who complement each other’s strengths. This means, you don’t have to be akin in everything to bond. True companionship means mirroring each other’s less realized traits and talents, blending them together into a fruitful balanced affiliation.We all have the image of the ideal man in our heads but when it comes to a soulmate, he may not match the qualifications. He won’t be perfect because no one is. A true soulmate will help evolve your soul out of its prior condition and urge you to perfect the love you were meant to give wholly and unconditionally. A large number of soulmates were introduced by family or a friend. They probably did it innocently, enjoying the matchmaking schemes not knowing they were pairing people up for life. You can also be rest assured that they will applaud themselves for every success you achieve as a couple – I’m just kidding!Many people believe that a true soulmate brings that first spark in your heart the day your eyes meet. These are the people who insist it is love at first sight. Personally, I have my queries about love at first sight but if someone says it is – then who am I to say it isn’t?  It is a feeling like no other, I’ve heard – some call it a spiritual chemistry.Sometimes the love spark doesn’t seize the first time, and soulmates need several encounters before they connect in a more meaningful way. You will find that you ran into your partner over and over again before you got together – some people call that destiny!In general, soulmates want the same things out of their relationship and life. Each of you may have arrived with a different piece of the potential puzzle and putting them together will give you a clearer picture of your higher purpose together and the thrill of having a true companion.