Bralirwa donates Rwf15m to orphans

The country’s leading soft and alcoholic beverages manufacturer, Bralirwa, yesterday handed a Rwf15 million cheque to officials of Unity Club to facilitate the construction of houses at Noel de Nyundo orphanage in Rubavu District of Western Province.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Managing Director of Bralirwa, Jonathan Hall (C) handing over the dummy cheque to Unity Club officials. The New Times / Robyn Spector.

The country’s leading soft and alcoholic beverages manufacturer, Bralirwa, yesterday handed a Rwf15 million cheque to officials of Unity Club to facilitate the construction of houses at Noel de Nyundo orphanage in Rubavu District of Western Province.Unity Club is an association mainly composed of serving and former senior government officials and their sposes. It assists the most vulnerable families and helps promote unity and reconciliation among Rwandans.  According to the officials, the project needs Rwf173 million to construct 20 houses for 70 orphans.While handing over the cheque at the club’s headquarters, the Managing Director of Bralirwa, Jonathan Hall, said it was the company’s obligation to contribute to the well being of orphans.  He said the brewer has always participated in the country’s development activities, adding that they are set to continue providing similar support for the benefit of all Rwandans."I take this opportunity to thank the government of Rwanda for its efforts to improve the welfare of the Rwanda population. It is with great honour and respect that Bralirwa has joined Unity Club in such an initiative that restores hope and dignity to the orphans.”The treasurer of the club, Julian Umutesi, welcomed the contribution saying that it justifies the brewer’s commitment towards improving the well-being of orphans.Umutesi pointed out that the club has so far collected a total of Frw125 million that includes Bralirwa’s  contribution disclosing that they would hold a major fundraiser in December this year.The campaign is part of the government’s initiative to provide housing for orphans and integrating into families as well as phasing out orphanages countrywide.