The link between parents and children

We are a photocopy of our parents.You are the hydropower dams from which we can tap the power of living lights.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Parents can be their teenageru2019s best friends. Net photo

We are a photocopy of our parents. You are the hydropower dams from which we can tap the power of living lights. But if dams are empty of values and the water levels are too low, then what shall we tap? Only darkness. Many parents are suffering from T.B [Too Busy]! Yes, the cost of living is high but the cost of loving is affordable. There is GOD to help you. Each child is a goldmine and it is the parent’s role to mine the gold out.Unfortunately, there are parents who see their children as a burden and a form of tax. Their children are like Tax incurred on their time, comfort and freedom such that they cannot wait to send their children to boarding schools even at early ages.Remember, children are like the Global Fund—a gift and grant from God. You will have to provide full accountability for their use or mismanagement for you shall be audited. Forget not that PARENT means;P - Personal FriendA - AvailableR - ResponsibleE - EncouragesN - NurturesT – TeachesNow is the time for IDPs (Internally Displaced Parents) to return home so that re-structuring of the family can commence.Parents need to come home and protect their families have and are always under attack.The writer is a student at La Colombiere School, Kigali.