Don’t rush life, girls

So many a time, unsuspecting teenage girls fall into ditches men have dug all over the place as they target them as prey. Since I have gotten this chance to write, let me unleash some facts that will help sisters out there avoid these preying traps.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Teenage girls who focus on their education rather than relationships, always succeed. Net photo.

So many a time, unsuspecting teenage girls fall into ditches men have dug all over the place as they target them as prey. Since I have gotten this chance to write, let me unleash some facts that will help sisters out there avoid these preying traps. These days, it’s unfortunate to read and hear about stories of teenage girls being defiled; they get pregnant and eventually drop out of school—explaining the high dropout rate of school-going girls. However, there are teenagers who are simply reckless and irresponsible with their actions and behaviour. They yearn and thirst for quick fulfilment and immediate solutions to life’s challenges as endurance and discipline is viewed as taboo in their lives. There is this girl called Dora whose story I hope will be an example to those reading this. She was the kind of girl who was brilliant and performed highly in her studies. Her primary school education was great until she got to her Senior Three. With the inset of adolescence, she got absolutely smitten by the boys in her class. By the time Dora went to Senior Four, she was involved with different boys in her school and sugar-daddies who confused her wits. When she discovered she was pregnant and the final exams were around the corner. Before she could blink, shock news of her mother’s sudden death tickled in and she became a total orphan as her father had passed on when she was only three years. Distressed, she dropped out of school, gave birth to a baby boy but unfortunately, the circumstances of her childbirth did not protect her child from being infected with HIV through mother-to-child transmission. She could not identify who the child’s father was as she previously lived a racy life with no care in the world. She constantly depended on handouts from good Samaritans and when these were not enough, she resorted to digging and planting in people’s farms to earn a living. This was Dora’s worst-case scenario of life seeing that, she had big dreams of becoming a successful businessperson. Because she did not focus on her studies and take caution when it came to relating to the opposite gender, her life was ruined. This is a cry out to the girls out there who are not careful; it’s high time you looked at the hard-life consequences of living irresponsibly. Once your parents and guardians place you in school, all they hope is that you achieve the best out of life as education gives you a chance at having a brighter future. Hold off relationships that are dangerous until you become an emotionally, financially, intellectually and physically mature woman. As for those who say, ‘there is no hope for me,’ do not give up; find the strength and courage to carry on with life. Resilience, hard work, courage and discipline will give you the best out of life.