
Mad man A mad man at a mental hospital climbed on a branch of a tree and stayed there for half a day. Suddenly, he let go of the branch and fell full force to the ground. A doctor quickly came asked him, “What happened?” The mad man answered, ”I AM RIPE!”

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mad manA mad man at a mental hospital climbed on a branch of a tree and stayed there for half a day. Suddenly, he let go of the branch and fell full force to the ground. A doctor quickly came asked him, "What happened?” The mad man answered,”I AM RIPE!”Types of LinesTeacher: Give any type of lines you know.James: Vertical line.Teacher: Very good, another line?Peter: Horizontal line.Teacher: Impressive! Who else can tell us any other type?Ben at the back shouted: Me Sir! Sir!Teacher: Ok, Ben tell us.Ben: CaroLINEEveryone in class laughed out loud.