Military hospital carries out plastic surgery

Medics at Rwanda Military Hospital yesterday started an exercise that will see patients identified during the recent field exercise receive specialiased treatment at the military facility in Kanombe.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Military doctors carry out an operation. The New Times / Robyn Spector.

Medics at Rwanda Military Hospital yesterday started an exercise that will see patients identified during the recent field exercise receive specialiased treatment at the military facility in Kanombe.The field exercise by the army medics, and the operations that began yesterday, are part of the Army Week, a community outreach activity that will, upon conclusion at the end of this week, have benefitted over 16,000 Rwandans.The outreach started from the Western Province on June 24.Some of the complicated cases that are being treated at the Military Hospital include; plastic surgery, ophthalmology (eye cases), gynecology and orthopedics (fractures), among others. According to Dr. King Kayondo, the Director of Clinical Services at the Military Hospital, the number of patients who turned up upcountry, which prompted them to have the patients over to the hospital where the equipment and general environment made it easier for follow up.He said that the main beneficiaries are helpless patients from remote areas who cannot access specialized services.He noted that the role of the armed forces is not only to fight wars with firearms, but also ensuring the welfare of Rwandans is also part of their mandate."People aren’t secure if they are not healthy. They can’t work, study and be happy if they are sick. Offering medical treatment for the needy has a big impact since it gives them good health which is part of security,” Kayondo said.He added that these patients are also being given food, accommodation, transport and medication as well, for the entire period they will stay at the hospital.The Army Week activities will upon conclusion projected to have cost nearly Rwf300 million and the biggest part of the budget is funded by the Ministry of Defence.