Prezzo, Lady May are wanted out

If there was ever any doubts on anyone’s mind about which Housemates are least liked by their fellow StarGamers, yesterday’s nominations should have cleared those doubts once and for all.

Monday, July 16, 2012

If there was ever any doubts on anyone’s mind about which Housemates are least liked by their fellow StarGamers, yesterday’s nominations should have cleared those doubts once and for all.Before it seemed as if Prezzo was just being paranoid when he accused the former Downvillers of gunning for the original Upvillers but now it looks like his intuition was right on the money. It is now crystal clear that the StarGamers want Prezzo and Lady May out and will not rest until they have had their way, for the third consecutive week the celebrity Housemates have garnered the most Nominations.According to the majority Prezzo is two faced and Lady May is unfriendly. "She is not playing the game. She has this wall around her and it is not fair to Africa and not fair to the other Housemates,” complained Keagan about the Namibian. These are the Nominations:Prezzo, Lady May, Keagan, Alex, Wati and Talia.