Is DRC a cursed nation?

Editor, The fighting that’s raging in the Democratic Republic of the Congo vindicates the old saying that: ‘history is our guide’. Anyone who has read the story of the late Lumumba will know clearly that DRC has followed a clear path of pillage fronted by insiders but instigated and led by outsiders.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Editor,The fighting that’s raging in the Democratic Republic of the Congo vindicates the old saying that: ‘history is our guide’. Anyone who has read the story of the late Lumumba will know clearly that DRC has followed a clear path of pillage fronted by insiders but instigated and led by outsiders. One only has to ask; who rattled Bosco Ntaganda? To prove this, he was at peace in the DRC army before ICC insisted on his head. Soon after, the fighting started again and displaced innocent people.What angers many people especially the ordinary Congolese who are paying the price is the fact that the government in DRC cannot manage to arrest this man. This means that Congolese people will continue to suffer.I also recommend readers to watch the documentary called ‘Death of a Prophet”.Eugene BahiziGisenyi