Coaster buses must follow traffic rules too

Editor, Allow me to express my concern over the way Kigali coasters have continued to disregard traffic rules. I wonder when traffic police will take action against errant coaster drivers.

Monday, July 16, 2012
Motorists should respect traffic rules. The New Times / File.

Editor,Allow me to express my concern over the way Kigali coasters have continued to disregard traffic rules. I wonder when traffic police will take action against errant coaster drivers.These drivers have no sense of responsibility at all and do not care about other road users. They drive recklessly with impunity. And when you tell them to be responsible, they simply turn their heads the other side and ignore you completely as if you are a street beggar!These drivers park anywhere they want, they smoke marijuana and drink alcohol while on duty! Yet I’ve not seen traffic police taking action against them. Maybe police are unaware of this but now that I have brought up the matter, they should investigate it themselves.Also, I would like to request Kigali City Council and traffic police to remove the bus stop located opposite KCB main branch in town. The road is so narrow and the coaster drivers who are so inconsiderate always park in the middle of the road while waiting for passengers! This must change.Tamu George,Kigali