Man killed in drunken brawl

Police is holding five suspects in connection with the death of a resident of Gasasa in Rugando Sector, Gasabo District.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Police is holding five suspects in connection with the death of a resident of Gasasa in Rugando Sector, Gasabo District. According to the Police Spokesman Theo Badege, the deceased Vincent Batinda, 42, died after he reportedly engaged in a heated argument with the suspects on Friday night."Investigations so far indicate that Batinda was engaged in a heated argument in a bar, after which a fight ensued outside the bar with the suspects we are holding. He ran away but was followed by one of the suspects and another fight broke out,” Badege saidHe was rescued by residents and struggled to go back home but died shortly after.The village has been safe and without a high crime rate, according to the Chairman of Gasasa Village, Salton Niyitanga, although it has a challenge of some unemployed residents who spend their days drinking alcohol."We have drunkards who disrupt the peace of this place; the bars have a directive to close before 11 pm but still, it has not helped. We will continue sensitising them, especially on the dangers of alcohol,” Niyitanga said. Batinda’s body was taken to the police hospital in Kacyiru yesterday morning for postmortem.