UK Conservatives construct houses for the vulnerable

About 73 volunteers from United Kingdom’s Conservative Party yesterday joined residents of Nyagasozi cell, Bumbogo sector in Gasabo District in the construction of houses for vulnerable people in the area.

Sunday, July 15, 2012
Members of Project Umubano dance with residents of Bumbogo in Gasabo District after the exercise yesterday. The Sunday Times / John Mbanda.

About 73 volunteers from United Kingdom’s Conservative Party yesterday joined residents of Nyagasozi cell, Bumbogo sector in Gasabo District in the construction of houses for vulnerable people in the area.The team is in Kigali to take part in Project Umubano, the Conservative Party’s social action project in Rwanda.The volunteers together with, the City of Kigali Mayor, Fidele Ndayisaba and Bumbogo residents dug foundations for about 150 houses meant for the vulnerable.Speaking to The Sunday Times, Emma McClarkin, Member of the European Parliament said that they participate in many social activities in Rwanda to help facilitate Rwandan communities build a strong and bright future. "Project Umubano helps Rwandans in some ways towards achieving the country’s goal which is a bright future for all Rwandans and we want to be part of this initiative,” she added.Project Umubano is a British Conservative Party initiative and every year, it brings volunteers from UK and they have been coming to Rwanda for the last six years."Today we did a special community work-Umuganda to pave way for the construction of new homes for the vulnerable people and we are grateful to come to Rwanda and work side by side with the local communities towards improving their livelihood,” she noted.The UK Volunteers will be in the country for two weeks, where they will engage in different activities like playing cricket with Rwandans, and also visit schools in the country. "This visit also enables us to create friendships with Rwandans and learn from them. Umuganda is a fantastic thing we need to adopt in our country,” said McClarkin, who was leading the delegation.Through project Umubano, the Conservatives have participated in social development programmes in the country including construction of a school, Girubuntu modern primary school, and a medical centre.Ndayisaba hailed the Conservative Party Volunteers for their initiative to improve the welfare of Rwandans."Their visit to Rwanda is very important towards strengthening the bilateral relationship between Rwanda and UK. Whenever they come here, they get first hand information about our country’s social and economic situations,” Ndayisaba said."They understand how Rwandans live together in harmony. This is very important towards promoting the good image of our country globally.”Every year, since 2007, over 230 volunteers including Members of Parliament, Ministers, lawyers, nurses, business people, teachers and students have participated in the project.Umubano was set up by Prime Minister David Cameron and Andrew Mitchell, UK’s Secretary of State for International Development.