Jobseeker’s Diary

 I’ve just gone through another spate of wedding contributions. At this rate, I may not have any money to cater for my own needs. I said before that I feel kind of “cheated” contributing to every Tom, Dick and Harry’s wedding. It’s not like a relative or close friend’s wedding because these people will at least be supportive when my turn comes.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

I’ve just gone through another spate of wedding contributions. At this rate, I may not have any money to cater for my own needs. I said before that I feel kind of "cheated” contributing to every Tom, Dick and Harry’s wedding. It’s not like a relative or close friend’s wedding because these people will at least be supportive when my turn comes. We were arguing about this very subject recently and one of my colleagues said that being invited to a wedding doesn’t necessarily mean you have to contribute financially. "Sometimes all one wants is for you to witness their special day…” he said with a straight face. That may be true but most times, when someone invites you to their wedding, they’re asking for money. I never attend weddings unless I gave something and those who go without parting with a coin need to style up. How do you feast on that sumptuous buffet and dance your shoes off when you gave nothing? The venue, food, music etc cost money and I believe we should leave the witnessing to the couple’s parents and siblings. The other annoying thing about these endless weddings is that many times, the "beggars” spring them on you. I don’t know how many times a fundraising list has reached my desk just three or four days to someone’s wedding. I always wonder, "Does this person think I have a stash of cash just waiting to be given out?” I need time to plan, cut back on expenses here and there to accommodate you and I can’t do this in days! Meanwhile, remember my friend who conveniently forgot to pay me back? Well, I finally mustered the courage to ask for my money. His response blew me off. Apparently, he had forgotten all about it. After "reminding” him to pay back, albeit politely, I started planning for my cash. That was about a month ago and I’ve not seen anything yet. The other week, I learnt that he would be travelling to Uganda and I couldn’t think of a more opportune time to get him to pay. I asked him to buy me a few things from Uganda, making sure it all added up to what he owes me. I even smsed him lest he forgot again. Two days later, the guy returned without my stuff. He’s been avoiding me since and is quick to make excuses to leave whenever we run into each other. I give up. You know what they say about winning some and losing some. I guess I’ve lost this one. I’ve learnt my lesson though. One other annoying thing in this office are the leeches. Strong word I know but that’s really what they are. There’s a girl who asks me for sugar, coffee and tissue everyday! And she doesn’t even ask nicely. I can’t say no because, well, you just can’t say no because you’ll carry the mean girl label. Neither can I lie that I run out because sooner than later, she’ll see me enjoying my coffee. Then at lunchtime, people want to ‘taste’ your food but end up eating half of it as if! Maybe I’m just mean but I think even the most generous person would grow weary. Not helping matters is my friend who refers people to me for almost everything. If someone needs an umbrella, a flash, painkillers, name it, she just points in my direction. "Sophie, Esther says you have a charger, can I please borrow it?” I can’t tell her off since we’re friends but I really want her to stop doing this. I figured out a way to get back at Esther. I’ll go through her drawer and take note of what’s in there. Next time someone comes looking for something I know she has, I will point straight at her and see how she likes that. To be continued…