Parts that make up human beings

Listening to an intelligent old person speak is one of those things that I love. As I sat quietly, my eyes glued to this wise old man. Clad in a Nigerian outfit though Rwandan, he moved and talked gracefully. He seemed to define the proverb, “slow but sure,” because slowly, softly but surely he drove his points home.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Listening to an intelligent old person speak is one of those things that I love. As I sat quietly, my eyes glued to this wise old man. Clad in a Nigerian outfit though Rwandan, he moved and talked gracefully. He seemed to define the proverb, "slow but sure,” because slowly, softly but surely he drove his points home.Dr.  Aleston Cyanga, despite being a statistician, he has a talked about something I cannot hesitate to share with anyone. He talked about human beings and what makes us up as human beings. With a lot of keenness because, we were definitely going to be told what we were made of, I got a pen so that I would jot down some points as always.Cyanga said,”human beings are made up of three parts, that is the body, soul and spirit,” which he took time to explained bit by bit; The body: This is made up of flesh, it’s what we see with our physical eyes, touch and feel. The body can feel pain, grow, and also dies and even decays making it one of the components of earth or soil. The body feeds on earthly things such as food that is grown on earth. One therefore needs to give the body extra care such as proper feeding so that it keeps fresh and healthy after all it has got a lot to say about someone. Our body is a part of us but not what makes us up.The soul: Our conscience and intuition gives us awareness of the spirit; this is the intellect bit of human beings. It consists of knowledge and cannot be seen physically but rather seen through what one does and thinks because they are a product of their intellect and conscience. The soul feeds on things like education( formal or informal), research, lots of reading which broaden the imagination, memory, ability to reason and even affections. The more one is exposed to all these, the more they are feeding their souls thus having great knowledge and intellect.The spirit: Wow, this is a part people often ignore yet it makes one complete and therefore needs attention.  This is the source of power and control for both your body and soul.Just as the body feeds on earthly things, the spirit also feeds on spiritual things. These may include prayer, fasting, meditation, faith, hope, reverence, and worship.Therefore, in order for the spirit to grow, it should be feed and taken care of just like the body and soul. It should also be kept healthy.He also adds that all these parts work hand in hand so as to have a healthy body. These are definitely things people usually ignore yet if thought about they are definitely the most essential if not even only parts that make up a human being.After all that was said, it was a day well spent.