I hate people who…

…think it is their duty to entertain the general public. Some people amaze me in very annoying ways. I have grown to hate jokers who move around with small but loud radios as if they are public address systems. To make matters worse, some of them take this as far as inside public transport vehicles.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

…think it is their duty to entertain the general public. Some people amaze me in very annoying ways. I have grown to hate jokers who move around with small but loud radios as if they are public address systems. To make matters worse, some of them take this as far as inside public transport vehicles. I wonder who lied to these people that we are happy to listen to their cheap Chinese gadgets. One of these days you may see me on a police pickup after being arrested for slapping one such joker. I think the government should force them to buy ear phones in order for the rest of us to live peacefully. …conduct a whole interview each time they see you. My editor has refused to publish the names of such people here because of space. But I will hate them all the same. I really hate these idle people who you meet and after greeting you they start asking you so many questions about whether you still stay in Remera and whether you still work at your place of work. Then they go on to ask you about your brother and sister and whether they are still working where they used to work blah blah.  As if that is not enough, they will also ask you, whether you are still using the Nokia phone you had last time. How can someone be this idle? …are very mean with the simple truth.I am really getting tired of seeing people who still don’t believe that the truth does set them free. I am talking about all those Moto and Taxi drivers who insist they know the place you are going to, but as you approach it they start asking you for clearer directions. What is even more annoying is that the moment they realise that the place they had claimed to know is not where it is, they will try to ask you for more money than they had negotiated before. Such people should learn to say they don’t know. You just can’t mix pride and ignorance.     …endlessly post numerous photos on Facebook. I am yet to find out who is paying these jokers who are in the habit of posting tens of photos on Facebook. And I am not talking about personal photos but those with recycled quotes. I can’t believe that some people wake and go to work and during that whole time all they do is dig up common quotes and photos and then post them on Facebook. These people need to be charge per post so that they can post less useless stuff. Bosses should fire such timewasters immediately. …still don’t know who The Hater is. One time I wrote here that I hated people who were sending me messages about driving licence tests. Now I have just seen the same people sending a text about drink and driving. I am left with no option but to hate the person at Rwanda Police who keeps sending me such messages when I don’t even own a car. These messages have a habit of coming at a time when I am expecting a message from my girlfriend or from people who owe me money. Yes, the Hater has a girlfriend. Her name is Hatress but we don’t hate each other. Enjoy your weekend now. Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293