Save EFOTEK students from TB

Dear editor, I am very sorry to say that the students of EFOTEK secondary school in Kanombe need a saviour, TB is finishing them.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dear editor,

I am very sorry to say that the students of EFOTEK secondary school in Kanombe need a saviour, TB is finishing them.

It has been proved that a number of students are suffering from the pandemic and the rate at which the disease is being transmitted is high.

I am one of the witnesses of what I am talking about, what I am writing through your paper is not a rumor but a fact. I have seen one of the victims of this school with my naked eyes.

It is terrible..! And yet no serious precautions are put in place to curb the spread. It is now some good months since I saw this student, when I asked him how the situation at school is, he instead terrified me the more.

"Every after two days we hear new people coughing”, the seemingly unhappy boy told me.

Isn’t that TB victims? That is my worry. This is not a one mans fight; this fight will involve the ministry of Education and the inspector of school. Probably is it not only this school.

TB is an air born disease that can catch any one living amidst TB victims. This is serious and urgent. Let the concerned authorities take serious measures to check the situation.
