A ghost in the Big Brother House?

In the wee hours of the morning, yesterday, the Big Brother House resembled a scene taken straight out of a horror movie as the Housemates gathered in the dark for a séance.

Friday, July 13, 2012

In the wee hours of the morning, yesterday, the Big Brother House resembled a scene taken straight out of a horror movie as the Housemates gathered in the dark for a séance.All that was missing to complete the spooky atmosphere was some eerie music. Now that their weekly Task has been completed, the Housemates clearly had way too much time on their hands the StarGamers channelled their boredom towards the creation of their very own Ouija board.Cloaked by the darkness that fell upon them the congregation of Housemates tried to summon up Phil’s dead spirit. Regrettably for the Housemates their séance had to be cut short because of the candle they had lit constitutes an open flame and open flames are against Big Brother House rules. The disappointed Housemates then resolved to head to bed.