Illegal sex workers benefit

Dear editor, Sex work is a key exposure for HIV infection. Many female sex workers request support to pursue alternative economic activities to reduce their dependence on sex work, hence their risk and vulnerability to HIV.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dear editor,

Sex work is a key exposure for HIV infection. Many female sex workers request support to pursue alternative economic activities to reduce their dependence on sex work, hence their risk and vulnerability to HIV.

Strengthening STD/HIV Control Project has pioneered an STD/HIV peer education and condom promotion program among illegal Sex workers and their clients in Rwanda’s major towns for quite long.

The women formed self-selected loan co-guarantee groups and repaid their loans by instalments. Focus group discussions were held with the women on the effects of expanded economic opportunities on their sexual behaviour and social empowerment.

Subsistence-related benefits identified by the women were for example; improved household income and better ability to support children. Sexual behavioural effects were made; self-reliant, reducing dependence on sex work.

Some of them stopped sex work. Social empowerment effects were achieved and other families started thinking positively of them with all respect.

Economic support is thus necessary as a complement to HIV prevention programs for ‘sex workers’ in the country.
