Peace talks will solve DRC crisis

Editor, I strongly believe that grievances cannot be solved by violence. The Congolese people in the Kivus can still live in peace provided there is a strong leadership in Eastern DRC.

Friday, July 13, 2012
Some of the refugees who fled to Rwanda as a result of the ongoing conflict. The New Times / File.

Editor, I strongly believe that grievances cannot be solved by violence. The Congolese people in the Kivus can still live in peace provided there is a strong leadership in Eastern DRC.The hate speeches from some Congolese leaders will only exacerbate the already fragile relationship between different ethnic groups in the Kivus.Some people in DRC believe that Rwanda is behind the M23 rebels though there is no proof from a genuinely independent team.What is needed now is a sense of trust and an honest dialogue between M23 and Congolese government.The war will not solve the problems of DRC. While Rwanda can help to solve the problem, DRC people need to realise that they must treat all Congolese equally. The government needs to genuinely look into the demands of those fighting it.Every human being needs respect and dignity regardless of their ethnic identity of region of residence. There are so many Congolese in Rwanda and every time I visit Kigali, I feel the warmth of being home even though my real home is few hours away in Bukavu.We all need to live in peace and harmony. We were all made in God’s image.LeonardKigali


Editor,Arthur Asiimwe’s article in The New Times of July 12, titled "They love Congo but not the Congolese” was spot on. Several external actors, especially those from the West, would wish to see the people of DRC fighting every day.Indeed, these foreign actors will always love to see Congo disorganised because that way they easily come in and rob their minerals without anyone holding them accountable. In brief, they love the fact that governance structures in DRC do not function and there is no rule of law.Therefore, robbery of these natural gems becomes easy day by day.Eugene BahiziKimironko