Kigali on course to become a great city

Editor, Allow me to respond to the story published in The New Times under the headline “City traders pave way for Rwf60billion complex.” It is always a pleasure to read about how Kigali, and Rwanda in general, is progressing.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Editor,Allow me to respond to the story published in The New Times under the headline "City traders pave way for Rwf60billion complex.” It is always a pleasure to read about how Kigali, and Rwanda in general, is progressing.Thank you all the people of Rwanda for supporting the government to transform every sector.Let us look ahead and consolidate what we have achieved already.A lot has been achieved in the last eighteen years and we must thank God for that.Nathan TwagirimanaKigaliEditor,Wow! From zero in July 1994, and now Kigali firmly on course to become a modern day city in the near future! At this pace, I think in the next 20 years, Kigali will be the number one modern and best planned capital across the east and central Africa. By then Rwanda should be a true regional hub in various aspects, including investments and tourism.Mike Ssemps