Book of the Week: Love Letters by Bryan Mooney

Katie Kosgrove finds herself in a dilemma when she discovers love letters written by a man she knows only as Jack. Curious but unable to locate him to return the love letters, she begins to read.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Katie Kosgrove finds herself in a dilemma when she discovers love letters written by a man she knows only as Jack. Curious but unable to locate him to return the love letters, she begins to read.

The letters all begin with the same greeting, "My Dearest Darling,” and they each end with, "Forever- Jack”.The letters start to transform her life in ways that she never would have imagined. She is thankful to the handsome stranger she met only once. 

Katie knows exactly what she would say to him if she were to ever see him again, until one day he reappears, back in her life. Their world begins to change once more, but the letters have an awesome power over both of them.