When society decides on who walks away with infidelity

I honestly cannot understand how some people can become masters of infidelity. The same act that people find adventurous to indulge in, can easily be turned by society, into a trophy for the men while causes unbearable humiliation for the women—who mostly get a bonus of new names like, whore or slut.

Thursday, July 12, 2012
Alinda Lillian Munanura

I honestly cannot understand how some people can become masters of infidelity. The same act that people find adventurous to indulge in, can easily be turned by society, into a trophy for the men while causes unbearable humiliation for the women—who mostly get a bonus of new names like, whore or slut.So last weekend my girls and I went to check out this new place. As usual all the hotties were there and were all wrapped up in masculine jackets and scarves around their necks; they were such eye-candy!As we rubbed our hands together, others quickly made a quick touch of their makeup and lip-gloss was refreshed. To cut the long story short, one of the hotties came over to our table and instead of me; he fell for one of my girls. Unfortunately, she had a boyfriend. But you know? We somewhat just let it go—I mean, girls also have their little dirty secrets. We thought it was just a fun thing in the bar and that it would stop there. However, the hottie was all over my friend like white on rice. It wasn’t as if, she was putting in any effort to resist, so we also figured we could let it go. For a while at leastAnyhow, by some ill fate her boyfriend’s best friend also happened to be checking out the new club and truth be told, it was not until that day, that I discovered that men talk. Not just talk, massive gossip!I am sure he was itching from where he was seated for he could not wait to go and run his mouth to his buddy of how his gorgeous girlfriend was about to give it away to some hot stuff.Before we could blink, a massive fight went down in the club and my poor girl was called all sorts of names, she was reminded of how cheap she was (which was technically true). I do not want to appear like I support this whole act of "whoring” around, but seriously, I had seen her (now) ex-boyfriend whore around a couple of times and every time I saw him, he begged me to keep my mouth shut.Why his friend couldn’t shut up? I have no idea. It was obviously not his fight! What was he doing sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong?Now some folks might assume I have not been a good friend, but that is alright because I believe in fighting my own battles, and expect everyone else to fight theirs. It was about time she figured he was a waste of space anyway.Anyway for men to think they can get away with sleeping with anything in a skirt and think women are whores if they do, is unfair. This is something our societies should re-consider. It doesn’t make it right for men to walk away with infidelity while stones are cast to the women who do so.The real issue here is; women cannot afford to be called names and be embarrassed in their neighbourhoods and so the best thing to do is avoid it at all costs. If that is difficult, be as sleek as the men—do not get caught!