Sick and tired of lame music

I’d be lying if I said I was a TV fan. I love my movies. At home, I sit and watch movie after movie regardless of whether I’ve watched them before.

Thursday, July 12, 2012
Rachel Garuka

I’d be lying if I said I was a TV fan. I love my movies. At home, I sit and watch movie after movie regardless of whether I’ve watched them before. Just to give my head a break from paying too much attention, I switch to TV. There is not much for me to enjoy on Star Times seeing as the good channels are in French and I don’t understand a word of it.Just last week, there was a music show on TV Rwanda. Being relatively new here and also curious about the local stars, I decided to watch it.It was a move I gravely regret. To my absolute frustration I did not get to see the few names I hear buzzing around like Miss Jojo, Knowless, Alpha and the like. Instead I was subjected to about thirty minutes of painfully wretched music.If memory serves me correct, it was a guy featuring a woman whom I can only assure you was a terrible replica of Michael Jackson– because people, she was really bad! And this might just be the first time I’ve seen a chick imitate the King of Pop – surely not the best idea.Now, I’m not trying to disrespect anyone or discourage them from doing what they think they are good at but seriously, some things are just not allowed to be shared with the public.I like singing. I sing in the shower and in the privacy of my room all the time. The only way I could actually go to a recording studio and thereafter shoot a video is if I ran completely and utterly insane! The song was pathetic – to say the least and to add salt to the wound, ‘MJ’s clone’ was moonwalking around and grabbing her crotch! I didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry!I think imitating MJ should be left to guys because for one, even though they don’t move as well as he did, at least they don’t look ludicrous. And two, even though people thought MJ was queer, he never once did the moonwalk in heels! Three, he could actually sing, this chick was just making noises like a wounded hawk!I just need to know something, how can anyone sing so bad, air their substandard video and then claim they are artistes? Is that not taking people for granted?Singing is best suited for people who can actually do it – not every one who can speak. And if you are going to imitate someone like MJ, I suggest you think long and hard about it before you embarrass yourself that way, irritate the rest of us and also make the poor man roll in his grave!