Eat healthy and prevent colon cancer

One of the most common questions a person asks is what they should eat to help combat cancer.. The first thing you must do is to rid your diet of processed foods, including snack foods and processed meats. These are foods that just add extra calories and don’t give your body the nutrition you really need.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

One of the most common questions a person asks is what they should eat to help combat cancer.. The first thing you must do is to rid your diet of processed foods, including snack foods and processed meats. These are foods that just add extra calories and don’t give your body the nutrition you really need. Instead replace them with whole grain foods, lean meats, vegetables and fruits. It may mean that you cook more and "microwave” less but it is good for you to have foods that are nutrient dense. Here are some foods that can helpTomatoes—rich in lycopene, it lowers the risk of ovarian, cervical and prostate cancer. This includes spaghetti sauce, ketchup and tomato paste.Broccoli sprouts—contain sulforaphane, which reduces the risk of breast, stomach and skin cancer. Cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage are all in this family but don’t work as well as broccoli sprouts.Berries—contain anthocyanins. These are potent antioxidants that are protective against all types of cancers.Soybeans—seem to decrease the risk of breast and prostate cancers and protect the body from harmful forms of estrogen.Tea –contains catechins, which are potent antioxidants that block cancer growth.Pumpkin—this also includes things like squash, carrots, sweet potatoes and red peppers. These all contain beta carotene, which reduces all sorts of cancers. Spinach—contains a great deal of vitamin E and lutein. These are excellent antioxidants that are known to fight cancer.Garlic—when minced, it is known to fight of many varieties of cancer.Pineapples—This contains the antioxidant known as vitamin C. It also contains bromelain, which has been found to be effective in lung and breast cancers.Apples—This has antioxidants and contains Quercetin. Quercetin has been shown to attack cancer cells of the lungs and of the prostate.