Women of Wisdom: The Journey of the sacred feminine through the ages

This fascinating anthology presents the writings of enlightened and much neglected women on many aspects of spiritual wisdom, with particular emphasis on the increasingly influential theme of non-duality, the core philosophy behind The Power of Now.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

This fascinating anthology presents the writings of enlightened and much neglected women on many aspects of spiritual wisdom, with particular emphasis on the increasingly influential theme of non-duality, the core philosophy behind The Power of Now. As a prelude to the profiles, Paula Marvelly offers a definition of mysticism, looks at the feminine aspects of mysticism within each of the major world religions, discusses what it means to be a woman mystic, and explains why the women, from all ages and faiths, were chosen. She explores their lives, experiences, and teachings, drawing out the key underlying themes that relate to the concept of non-duality. The profiles, presented in chronological order are illustrated with a photograph or artist’s impression, and the collection includes the writings of Sappho, Rabi’a, Yeshe Tsogyal, Hildegarde von Bingen, Julian of Norwich, Catherine of Sienna, Mirabai, Emily Dickinson, Madame Blavatsky, Sharada Devi, Evelyn Underhill, Anandamayi Ma, Irina Tweedie, and many others.Paula Marvelly, the author this book, is a published writer and filmmaker. She is also the Editor of StillnessSpeaks.com