The myths surrounding weddings

If you have wedding plans in the near future you might want to sit this read out. I’m just messing with you – worry not because there is no scientific proof to these myths. If you are seriously superstitious, well then take precaution where you feel you must, I guess!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

If you have wedding plans in the near future you might want to sit this read out. I’m just messing with you – worry not because there is no scientific proof to these myths. If you are seriously superstitious, well then take precaution where you feel you must, I guess!Every bride wants her wedding day to be nothing short of perfect. I don’t know about guys, but this is the most special day in a girl’s life. Some brides follow these myths – not only because they are afraid of the bad luck but also because of the unexpected good luck they tend to bring instead.I used to think that the reason people didn’t want it to rain on their wedding day was because rain spoils the party. Well, some people believe that rain symbolizes the tears the bride will shed during the marriage. With the way it rains sometimes, that’s an awful lot of tears!However, others believe that the rain is a blessing, symbolizing the coming of children. And if every rain drop represents a child, then that’s an awful lot of kids too! I’m just saying.This next myth gives me the creeps but what the heck? According to some people, dropping the wedding ring shakes off evil spirits. Now I don’t know why spirits or ghastly ghosts would be hanging around waiting to be sent away but that is what is believed. Others however, believe that whoever drops the wedding ring is the first to die among everyone who attended the wedding. How’s that for creepy?The bride cannot make her own wedding dress as every stitch represents a tear – and not good ones! A bride should only wear the full wedding outfit on the actual day, anytime before is bad luck for the bride.It is considered unlucky for the bride if she marries a man with a surname that begins with the same first letter as hers. This means that when you find a man who seems like the best thing to take to the aisle, hope that his first name begins with a different letter from yours. If he does, just change your name! The lengths some sisters will go to…It is considered good luck for the mother of the groom to throw a shoe at the bride as the newly weds leave the reception. That way, the mother-in-law and the bride will forever be friends. For any woman who feels her son is way too good for the person he is marrying, this is the best move! The only problem is getting her to do it- because she might not be interested in friendship!Many believe that the wearing of pearls represents future tears, thus if a bride wears them, she’ll spend the rest of her married life weeping! On the other hand, since pearls represent future tears, other people believe that by wearing them, the pearl takes the place of the bride’s real tears, in order for her to live a happy, tear-free marriage.Last but not least, the most popular myth of all – it is bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. Okay, this doesn’t mean that your man has to hide away from you the second he proposes. This only goes for the actual wedding day. Some brides choose to spend the night before the wedding with family and friends. The groom only gets to see her when he is lifting her veil. Don’t dwell too much on this – they are only myths. Remember the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy/ Rat and much as I refuse to believe it, Santa? Just myths! Go get hitched without worrying about a fallen ring or heavy downpour!