Poverty alleviation and the need to involve people

Editor, About five years ago, in Abuja, Nigeria, 20 ministers of Finance and five central bank governors from across Africa gathered to discuss how to reduce poverty and achieve the much talked about Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Editor,About five years ago, in Abuja, Nigeria, 20 ministers of Finance and five central bank governors from across Africa gathered to discuss how to reduce poverty and achieve the much talked about Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Such engagements are necessary as our countries strive to alleviate poverty and develop their economies.Ghandi, the great Indian leader mentioned in one of his books that people should live simple so that others will live. Leaders, particularly in Africa, should live humble and simple devoid of any ostentation so that scarce resources will be used for developmental purposes, thereby empowering the poor while reducing poverty.Solomon