Kagame to address family planning summit

President Paul Kagame is in the UK today where he will address the London Summit on Family Planning organized by the British Government and the Gates Foundation.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

President Paul Kagame is in the UK today where he will address the London Summit on Family Planning organized by the British Government and the Gates Foundation.The summit aims to mobilise political and financial commitment to provide 120 million girls and women in developing countries access to family planning.

President Kagame will give a keynote speech alongside UK Prime Minister David Cameron, President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and President Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania.Also at the Summit, Minister of Health, Dr. Agnes Binagwaho will represent President Kagame on a panel to share Rwanda's experience that has led to a 40% increase in women's access to family planning.While in the UK, President Kagame will also address the Re|Source 2012 Conference on Thursday at Oxford University.The conference will bring together Nobel laureates, scholars and former heads of state.President Kagame will speak about Rwanda's efforts at ensuring food security.Also speaking at conference is David Nabarro, the UN Secretary General's Special Representative on Food Security and Nutrition.President Kagame is also scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Cameron and Andrew Mitchell, the UK development secretary.