Time for Thomas Lubanga to pay

Editor, Allow me to express my happiness following the good news yesterday that the International Criminal Court sentenced Thomas Lubanga, a Congolese warlord, to 14 years for using child soldiers.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012
ICC convict Thomas Lubanga. The New Times/File.

Editor,Allow me to express my happiness following the good news yesterday that the International Criminal Court sentenced Thomas Lubanga, a Congolese warlord, to 14 years for using child soldiers.Many kids died during Lubanga’s conflict. People who followed this conflict in DRC know very well that Lubanga was recruiting and using children in his Union of Congolese Patriots militia during fighting in Congo’s eastern Ituri region in 2002-2003.Let him have his day in jail, along with other criminals. Let us say no to bloodshed in our region.Eugene BahiziNyagatare