We all need our families if we want to be happy. A family is a place where every child deserves to feel loved.
We all need our families if we want to be happy. A family is a place where every child deserves to feel loved. A loving family is one that will be there for you through the good and bad times. I cannot imagine life without parents, brothers and sisters. This does not mean that those who have none of these cannot find love in a family. I believe each child no matter what problems they have, has a right to belong to a family.This can be at a home, at school, an orphanage or even at a friend’s home. Not all children understand what a family is, so they take it for granted. We should remember that there are children on the streets who wish they could be adopted because they have no one to turn to.There is love and joy in a loving family. Even when times are difficult and people are sad, happiness and love always reign. If you do not believe this about your family, because you always fight with your sisters, brothers and parents, remember that sometimes our families can be painful to live with. However, this should not stop you from loving your family no matter what. In addition, people learn to understand and respect each other in a family. This is what makes families kind, nice, peaceful and fun to have. Children grow up in different families, and this makes them want to have their own families someday. Even though you have not grown up in a loving family, just know that God knows your family because he loves families.As you grow up, learn to respect your parents, love your brothers and sisters because your family will always live in your heart.