500 grace independence jubilee in Addis

Around 500 people, including members of the Diplomatic Corps in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, Friday, attended celebrations to mark Rwanda’s 50 years of independence and 18 years of Liberation,

Monday, July 09, 2012
Amb Prof. Joseph Nsengimana (Centre with knife) cuts the cake in Ethiopia. See story on page 2. The New Times / Courtesy.

Around 500 people, including members of the Diplomatic Corps in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, Friday, attended celebrations to mark Rwanda’s 50 years of independence and 18 years of Liberation, During the event held at Hilton Hotel, the Rwandan envoy, Prof. Joseph Nsengimana, congratulated fellow countrymen on reaching the historic moment."On a day like this, it will be remiss on our part if we forget to salute gallant men and women, past and present, who have contributed and continue to contribute to the recovery, growth and development of Rwanda,” Nsengimana said."These heroes have made it possible for us to celebrate this day and especially reflect on the values that have sustained us over the past 18 years.The envoy stressed that the day was proof that with determination and hard work, there was nothing people could not achieve once united in pursuit of a common purpose."It also continues to be a constant reminder that given the opportunity, Africa is capable of managing her own affairs and rising to the very top. This celebration will be meaningless if it is not linked to our collective resolve to join forces in ensuring that we protect and advance the ideals and values of those who have made it possible for us to be where we are today.”He noted that on her 50 years’ long journey of resilience, Rwanda has partnered with neighbours, AU member states and others and thanked all countries that contributed to Rwanda during that period.