Response to Pan Butamire’s article

Editor, Allow me to respond to Pan Butamire’s article titled “The UN: the millstone around Rwanda’s neck.” Pan, your article is brilliant! As usual you go directly to the point.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Editor,Allow me to respond to Pan Butamire’s article titled "The UN: the millstone around Rwanda’s neck.” Pan, your article is brilliant! As usual you go directly to the point. I truly wish there was some way we could get your well-informed articles published in the western media. I try to help by posting your articles on my Facebook page and ask my friends to share them on their pages. Many hands make light work! Marie CollinsCanada Editor, Rwanda has enacted one of the most progressive set of policies on the continent (i.e.: capital punishment abolition, a reasonable abortion law compared to the one prevailing in much of the American deep south, etc). One would think that these policies will endear Rwanda to the so-called "rights groups”, but that’s not the case. This, therefore, begs the following question: WHAT DO THESE SO-CALLED "RIGHTS ORGANISATIONS” WANT FROM RWANDA?  Jean Pierre BakundukizeCanada

Editor, Since my childhood to my adulthood working side by side with our colleagues some of who were of Rwandan Origin, we didn’t see them as different and even surprisingly we never saw them as a Tutsi or Hutu. We lived in harmony and peace.Peace and peace again. We are here on a temporary visa, our real home is in heaven. Leaders should promote peace and unity among all the people of the earth. We are one.Toronto - Leonard