Self discovery through art

It is another Friday, and as usual Tony Cyizanye; an artiste says he expects to have more sales than other days.

Sunday, July 08, 2012
Cyizanye poses during his busy day. The Sunday Times / Susan Babijja.

It is another Friday, and as usual Tony Cyizanye; an artiste says he expects to have more sales than other days. Cyizanye displays his art products at the back of Umubano hotel in Kacyiru, targeting the hotel`s clients and other officials, local and foreign who occasionally turn up for various meetings and conferences. "Survival is all about being creative especially in our field and the only way to lead others is through coming up with unique products,” he says. In his early 20s, Cyizanye says his artwork comes from inspiration and admiration of the prominent people in the industry. He says that by the time competitors get to know about the product and start producing it, "you have already moved a step further or to another design and product.”  Born in Burundi, he moved to Rwanda with his parents in 1995. With very many ambitions just like any other person, Cyizanye anticipated to either become a medical doctor or an engineer.  However, his dreams never came through as he dropped out of school on completion of primary school education after loosing his parents. "I tried to make ends meet so that I could pay for my secondary education but it was not an easy thing to achieve and finally it never worked out,” he explains. He further explains that it was the end of the "nice and interesting dreams” but that it was to early to loose hope. In his soft voice, Cyizanye narrates his journey from the age of 15 saying it is such a bad life experience he will always to remember.  "In the life we lead, apart from a few born with a silver spoon in their mouths,  at least every one has a story to tell but the only difference and most important, is that some stories are more touching than others.”   He explains that life was so hard with no support and no hope of getting employed because he lacked skills in any field. "Whenever I looked around for a job, the first question I faced was capacity for specific jobs. This was the most challenging question because I did not have any skills in particular,” he says.  He notes that his associates or friends could not add any value to him nor could he.  "But after all that I went through, I realized that the most important thing is being alive and through commitment, people have achieved a lot and developed in various ways.” One lucky day, Cyizanye visited Ivuka Art Centre in Kacyiru where he saw many other artistes making and displaying their products. "Of course I was not good, but when I tried, some of them realized I had the talent something that really opened a new chapter in my life.”  He explained that in a period of two months, he could use only three days to come up with a finished product ready for sale.  Having had no hope of getting employment anywhere, he says he took every step seriously with confidence and determination. "After sometime, I remembered that my uncle was an artiste and I used to see him working although I was a small boy. This inspired me a lot,” explains Cyizanye. Today, Cyizanye is a sole producer and businessman in the art products with his main out let at Umubano hotel.  His cheapest art products costs USD100 while the most expensive depends on his customers demand basing on the order placed.  He says life has dramatically changed for the better far beyond his expectations. "At first, I thought I would be measurable for the rest of my life, but things have completely changed. I am discovering my preciousness each other day,” he says with a smile on his face.  He says he is a happy man today, independent and able to pay rent and support some of his relatives. Cyizanye has participated in various competitions and showcased his art in exhibitions that also include the 2010 FESPAD.This exhibition brings together participants from various countries across the world to showcase the culture of their countries through music and dance."I believe I am a lucky man because I am the only person who has been invited to represent Rwanda in an exhibition that will take place in Italy next month,”   opines Cyizanye.He added that he is also training some youth especially those willing and have the talent. Florence Uwera, is one of the trainee. Just like Cyizanye, Uwera dropped out of school and hopes the skills she is acquiring will bring joy and happiness in her life."The only chance I have is that I am getting these skills for free otherwise, I can not afford to pay for the training,” she says.