Oneness in the name of Pangea

  Dear editor, It was so exiting and most of us who followed the event have much to say up to today.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Dear editor,

It was so exiting and most of us who followed the event have much to say up to today.

Thousands of Rwandans and foreign nationals thronged Kigali’s Jali Club Gardens to celebrate Pangea Day, a global live event which was aimed at enabling the people to love each other.

Ceremonies were organized beginning at 8pm local time in Cairo, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai and Rio de Janeiro and were linked to live programs which depicted that human beings wherever they are; face the same challenges and concepts like love, despair, sorrow, faith, hope and success are universal.

In Kigali, the event had live performances; music folklore groups, while renowned musician Jean Paul Samputu told the world a message of hope; that anger against fellow Rwandan like the one evidenced in brutal events of the 1994 Genocide, is very unfortunate.

Cheers for everybody!
