Auntie’s corner

I am a married woman of two children. My husband whom I have been married to for the last five years is my senior by 20 years. Now the problem is that when I first met him I was so much in love or so I thought. But now I no longer find him attractive to an extent that when he wants to become intimate, I feign sickness so that he does not touch me.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

I am a married woman of two children. My husband whom I have been married to for the last five years is my senior by 20 years. Now the problem is that when I first met him I was so much in love or so I thought. But now I no longer find him attractive to an extent that when he wants to become intimate, I feign sickness so that he does not touch me.

I respect him because he has given my children and I a decent life, but I also want a divorce so that I get married to a man my age who can fulfill my desires as a young and energetic woman.RispahDear Rispah,Just make me understand if you were forced to marry your husband. You should have known better that age never decreases but increases girl, and if you may want to know something- it’s a beautiful thing to age- unfortunately no one is immune, we will all age.Sometimes in life you have to make sacrifices, and in your case you made the sacrifice of getting married to a man, old enough to be your father, because he had all the goodies you were yearning for. Now, five years later you realize that he does not meet your standard of energetic sex life and you want to throw him away?My dear girl I say think before you leap.Life is not just about sex – there is more to it than what you are looking at. There is no way you are going to throw your life away and the future of your children because you can’t keep your pants down. Last time I checked, no one has died because they cannot get "energetic sex”. Whether it’s energetic or not, sex is just but sex.I don’t know what energy you need from a partner, but if this man has managed to give you two beautiful children, just five years into marriage then it means he is capable of his manly duties. If it was a case that he was denying you conjugal rights- then we’d be talking another story. But just the energy? C’mon girl you can think better than that.Let me tell you something. If we were talking about you and your husband- most likely I would have told you to walk away, but decently. But when children are involved in a relationship it becomes very tricky. Believe you me no parents with brains, would want to put their children through divorce and the results of divorce.As it is, you do not even have a job to support yourself, know what will happen if you are told to take full responsibility? Are you able to give your children the kind of life they are used to? Just think twice and very carefully.You might claim to be young; I don’t know how old you are. But one thing that you must put in mind is that, your children’s future should come first before anything else. Whether you are 10 or 12, the truth of the matter is that when a young girl becomes a mother- she grows up very fast and her child/children become her focus.Don’t gamble with your family, a man has nothing without his family.