“A Visitor from Obamaland”

As usual, the Villager was scanning places for tales to tell; this time around, having visited “Egoli” the land where Gold can be picked up on village paths (I’m kidding), it was time to come back home. 

Saturday, July 07, 2012

As usual, the Villager was scanning places for tales to tell; this time around, having visited "Egoli” the land where Gold can be picked up on village paths (I’m kidding), it was time to come back home. 

No sooner had I got home than an old friend I had met in "Obamaland”(United States of America), then "Bushland”, sent me an e-mail informing me that, he was on his way to "the Land of A Thousand Hills”, I being one of the "hillers”, he was requesting me to take him around the countryside so that he could get an informed view of the country.  Now, believe you me, who would turn down an offer like that, especially if it comes from a man from "Obamaland”?  There is this English adage that goes as follows,"a fortune in the hands of a fool, is a great misfortune”, of course, do not get me wrong, I am not one!  This guy was supposed to come loaded with the "USA Mafaranga”, I had to sharpen my teeth so that, I could chew what I would bite eh!  He wanted me to arrange for the hire of a "JEEP” (an Off roader) thatwould take us around the countryside, make Hotel Bookings and any other itinerary as I may deem necessary; on his part, he would foot all the costs plus any other items that might arise.  I did not have to be told that, there was gona be a Bonanza, I wasn’t born yesterday! This reminded me of a popular saying at school that, "aharufu rw’ente, tihabaho mbwa yenshema”, loosely translated as, "there is no foolish dog at the demise of a cow”!  Do not get me wrong, I am not an opportunist but a man that exploits opportunities!  If you look up the word opportunist, according to the [Free Online dictionary], an opportunist is a person who takes advantage of any opportunity to achieve an end, often with no regard for principles or consequences!  For sure, I am not anywhere nearer to that!  It is not easy especially, when someone tasks you with such a heavy burden, much bigger than your shoulders; all one has to do is just adjust the shoulders such that, they are big enough to should such a burden!  With many of us suffering from AIDS (Acquiring Income Difficulties), our pockets have been in perpetual emptiness day in day out, from month end to month end and there seems to be no end in the short run.  To me, being religious, I believe, this is a Godsend opportunity; don’t the Holy Bible, in Psalm 127:2, says that, "The LORD gives to those he loves while they sleep”! Who am I to reject such an opportunity?  I am not trying to make the likes of Diaspoman jealous; the truth remains the truth even if it may hurt others.   I suppose, when my guest arrives, I might invite my brother, the Diaspoman aroundfor some frost beers eh!  By the way, he might end up getting along well with a man from the same lands he spent most of his lifetime.  Secondly, with man like him by my side, we could have more fun that we could ever bargain for (to be continued)!