I hate people who…

…ignore their age and go to places just to complain.  Some people call it fixation but to The Hater it is just pensionable foolishness. I am talking about these old people who go to clubs frequented by youngsters and then spend the whole time complaining about how today’s kids (abaana b’iki gihe) dress badly or have no manners.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

…ignore their age and go to places just to complain.  Some people call it fixation but to The Hater it is just pensionable foolishness. I am talking about these old people who go to clubs frequented by youngsters and then spend the whole time complaining about how today’s kids (abaana b’iki gihe) dress badly or have no manners. I always wonder whether these old ninjas are in the bar to offer counselling lessons or to have a good time. Aren’t they supposed to be in a place where people of their age are the target market? What would a 60 year old chap want in a bar that plays Lil’ Wayne’s music anyway? You just have to hate these senile chaps. …think they will be spoon-fed forever. Just the other day we were celebrating Liberation Day, but, I think some people need more liberation from the mental abyss they live in. Give me one reason why I should not hate on a musician, who competes in a contest wins a lot of money and fame but then turns around to blame the same people who helped him for not helping him in his projects. Yes you know who you are and if you don’t want to appear on this page again, I suggest you allow your lips to hug each other and only open when you have some new and nice music for us. Grow up is all I can say. …think we are interested in their sexuality. The other day I was on Twitter and there was this fuss about a CNN employee announcing that he is gay. Really? Didn’t this guy have any real news to tell us that really affects our life instead of his sexual orientations? I have tried to find out how his announcement is supposed to affect the GDP of any country and I am still waiting for an answer. In fact, even the weather in Rwanda did not change when he made this announcement. I think these insecure and self-obsessed fellows need to find new hobbies very fast.   …are always complaining about traffic jam in Kigali. For sometime now, I have heard people complaining about something that made me feel like slapping them but I have decided to just write about it here so that I don’t get free accommodation in jail. I officially hate anyone who complains about the ‘traffic jam’ here in Kigali. I have checked in the dictionary and the people who came up with this term surely did not have Kigali in mind. If you want to know what a traffic jam is all about go to Kampala, Lagos, Nairobi or Dar es Salaam. But why even complain yet cars are supposed to be on the road anyway. …drive by us and leave a cloud of dust. Forget all that talk of Kigali being a neat city, some areas are not part of this description and with the dry season here, the dust is now in good supply. Can we all stand up now and hate those fools who drive as if they left their brains in the garages. The ones who over speed on dirt roads and end up leaving a huge cloud of dust for those of us who are still ‘driving’ Rav 2s & Footsubishis. I swear when it is time to buy a car, I will buy a caterpillar and knock these jokers off the road. These guys should have their licenses replaced with prison uniforms now. Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293