The truth about Car Wash “saga”

Editor, This is with reference to the article published in The New Times of June, 20, titled “Car Wash operator given 48 hours to vacate.”

Friday, July 06, 2012

Editor,This is with reference to the article published in The New Times of June, 20, titled "Car Wash operator given 48 hours to vacate.” It is indeed very sad to see how some people want to use the media and make false allegations against other people.People need to realise that truth will never be clouded by lies no matter how long it takes. Allow me, through your esteemed newspaper to set the record straight.It’s true that Car Wash landlord evicted the operator, Woodward Keith, along with his Rwandan wife Josianne Bwiza from the facility.However, it not true that they were given 48 hours as stated in the article. We notified the tenant on June, 14 of our intentions. He was given up to June, 25 to leave the facility.Article 4 of our contract states clearly that, the landlord deserves every right to immediately terminate the tenancy contract for failure to pay rent fees. The tenant failed to pay the rent of May and June as required by the contract.He was not evicted because the tenant had requested for fire insurance. Article 7 of the contract states that insurance for movable properties will be paid by the tenant while cover insurance for immovable properties belongs to landlord.If the landlord never paid insurance for immovable property, he took the risk as the property belongs to him. We never disagreed on the rent fee because the contract is very clear and he signed it.Well, if the tenant believes we breached the contract, let him to go court.Proprietors of Car WashKigali