David’s friendship with Jonathan

In the Bible, there is a story depicting true friendship and genuine love for our friends. This happened during the time Saul was king of Israel, and after David had finished killing Goliath.

Monday, May 12, 2008

In the Bible, there is a story depicting true friendship and genuine love for our friends. This happened during the time Saul was king of Israel, and after David had finished killing Goliath.

King Saul had a son called Jonathan, who became friends with David, perhaps because David had started spending most of his times in the palace, because of the reputation he got after killing Goliath.

David had also been assigned a duty of playing a harp for the king, which produced soothing music to help the king relax, and to take away his stress. Due to this arrangement, David got a lot of time with his friend Jonathan.

So their friendship grew, and they both adored each other genuinely. Jonathan loved David like he loved himself. As time went on, David and Jonathan made a friendship pact, in the presence of God.

God became a witness to their friendship, and they both swore to always love each other, regardless of whatever happens. They also committed their friendship to go on, even upon their children, such that Jonathan’s children, be friends with David’s children.

However, during that time Jonathan’s father, king Saul developed a hatred for David, coming from the jealousy he felt for him, mostly after killing Goliath’ the Philistine giant.

King Saul also feared that David would become the next king, so he attempted to kill him twice.

Jonathan at first couldn’t believe that his father was determined to kill his friend, more over after the great things he had done for the kingdom. But because of King Saul’s continued rage and animosity towards David, Jonathan came to know the truth.

Without being ashamed, King Saul ordered Jonathan and other army officials to go and kill David while he was asleep, fortunately, David’s wife, who was also Saul’s daughter learned of the plot, and he told David, therefore escaping and surviving.

From time to time, Jonathan consoled David, telling him that nothing will happen to him. And he also persuaded his father to leave David alone, because he was a good man, who had done so many good things for Israel and for the king.

But regardless of Jonathan’s advice to his father, he didn’t listen; he continued trying to kill David.

David, had been given privileges of eating from the kings table, so when the time for celebrating the Passover ceremony reached, David didn’t turn up on the kings table. But David had told Jonathan that when he sees King Saul furious about it, he should know that he wants to kill him.

And that’s exactly what happened, because after Jonathan had explained to king Saul, that David had gone to celebrate with his family in Bethlehem, Saul got so annoyed and he abused Jonathan. From this point, Jonathan knew that his father was determined to kill his great friend.

From there, Jonathan went and briefed David about what had happened, and David hid himself. After a few days, David went to Jonathans place, and they both broke down and cried, they reconfirmed their sworn friendship, and swore to always be friends in all situations.

Amidst tears, they said good bye to each other, as they passionately embraced each other.

After a very long time, since Saul and Jonathan had died in battle and David was king. He called for any person who could still be living, from Jonathan’s lineage. It so happened that, there was a crippled man called Mephiboseth, who was Jonathan’s son.

David called him into the palace, and he started caring for him, in respect of the sworn friendship they had with his father Jonathan.
