My super hero

Mr. King a Sunday school teacher asked all the kids in his class what they wanted to be when they grew up. Some said things like doctor, lawyer, and basket ball player.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mr. King a Sunday school teacher asked all the kids in his class what they wanted to be when they grew up. Some said things like doctor, lawyer, and basket ball player.

Little Jack wanted to do something that no one else said. When it was finally his turn, he jumped out of his chair and said "I want to be a Super Hero!" Everyone was really quiet.

Then Tito said "Hey Super man, there is no such thing as a super hero." Everyone in the class laughed and little Jack felt stupid. He sat down and didn’t look at anyone until Mr. King made the class keep quiet.

"Tito that’s not nice or true. Jack doesn’t feel bad," he said. "There are real super heroes."

"Thanks for making me feel better, Mr. King," Jack said, but there is no such thing as a person with super powers. I guess I better grow up."

"Now wait a minute," Mr. King interrupted. "I know someone who has the ability to speak cords that not even a secret service can crack. This man can pray a prayer that is completely perfect. He can even heal the sick whom doctors can’t cure. He even has million dollar ideas."

Mr. King sounded so cool and Jack couldn’t wait to meet this man. It turns out that this man was their church. Everyone in class was excited and wondered if they knew him.

Mr. King told little Jack that he was on the other side of the door. Jack was excited about meeting him that he could not breathe! Mr. King opened the door and Jack was looking straight into the mirror. His teacher explained, since Jack is filled with the Spirit of God, Jack had the ability to pray perfect prayers and have the power of God flowing through him.

Jack shouted, "Wow! I am the man, teacher is talking about. I am a super Hero!" and little jack was a happy boy after that.
